Awnings and sun shades can be a great addition to any home, providing much-needed shade and shelter from the sun. They can also help reduce energy costs, as well as improve the appearance of your home. This video walks you through the steps involved in installing awnings and canopies at home.
Installing outdoor awnings and canopies usually requires some DIY knowledge.
There are several things to consider, such as the material, design, size, and location of your new structure. Start by digging a hole big enough to accommodate the depth of the awning base. Once you’ve dug the hole, you’ll need to place concrete into the bottom.
Once your base is ready, place the awning base onto the ground and screw it or nail it down directly onto the ground. When you’re done, fill the base with concrete to ensure it drains properly. After you’ve placed the base on the ground, you’ll attach the support poles to the roof. Depending on your roof type, you may have to adjust the awning height slightly before attaching the shade. If you’re looking to amplify the aesthetic, you can add some pots and flowers nearby to make it more appealing.