Essential Things to Do to Prepare Your Home for Spring

Winter can take a serious toll on your home without the proper maintenance. Fortunately, there are a few key ways you can start to get your home ready for spring. By following these tips below, you can ensure your home stays protected from the elements, cool, and comfortable during the spring.

1. Inspect and Repair Your Roof

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and it can also be the most costly if left unmaintained. After the winter, the hail, wind, and wet season might have caused a variety of damage that requires roof repair. This includes cracked shingles, missing shingles, hail damage, and leaks. It’s important to take care of these issues right away, as a damaged roof will eventually lead to bigger leaks that can damage the inside of your home.

2. Replace Your Roof

If your roof is beyond repair, or if it is older than 20 years and has been through a rough winter, it’s best to get the help of re-roofing services to replace your entire roof for your safety. Replacing your roof can be a costly endeavor, but fortunately, a brand new roof can add lots of value to your home! In addition, new roofs can last for 25 years or more depending on their construction materials. Newer roofs made of slate, copper, and tile can last for around 50 years, while fiber cement shingles average around 25 years in lifespan. Make sure to replace your roof once it has aged significantly.

3. Check Your Home’s Insulation

Your home should be insulated not just during the winter, but year-round. Check to make sure your home’s insulation is adequate enough to keep your home warm during the spring and summer and cool during the fall and winter. If you notice your energy bills are going up, cold areas in your home, or if you notice your home doesn’t feel as comfortable as it used to, get the help of home insulation services. Alternatively, if your home is adequately insulated but you feel it’s too warm and can’t cool down easily, get the help of an air conditioning company to inspect your ac or HVAC unit.

4. Maintain Your Home’s HVAC System

Your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is most commonly known as an HVAC. Your HVAC needs regular maintenance, which might not have taken place during the harsh winter months. Once winter is over, make sure you get the help of an HVAC contractor to inspect your home’s HVAC system and ensure it is working properly to heat and cool your home. If you notice strange noises coming from your HVAC or exhaust vents, high energy costs, or if your HVAC has not had regular maintenance in the past couple of years, these could all indicate you need HVAC services.

5. Install an HVAC System

If your HVAC system is more than 10 years old, or if it has been severely damaged due to the winter weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, or storms, it’s best to get heating and cooling installation services to install a new HVAC system. Newer HVAC systems are a great investment to keep your home comfortable and are also energy-efficient. This means you can save money in the long term by using a more energy-efficient system rather than an older HVAC unit.

6. Install an AC Unit

If you don’t have an HVAC unit in your home, and want to know how to cool down your home without having to install one, opt for AC installation in separate rooms of your home. If you live in warmer climates, such as southern California or the southwest United States, AC installation can be a great investment and keep your house cool at a lower cost than installing an HVAC unit. AC units can be placed in separate rooms of the home, and they can even be portable and hooked up to the window of the room you want to be cool.

7. Replace Your HVAC Filters

HVAC systems and AC units both will need to have their filters replaced in order to ensure the best air quality. HVAC filters and AC unit filters are especially important during the spring season, as this is when seasonal allergies are at their worst and allergens are everywhere! From pollen to dust and dander, and even your pet’s hair, HVAC and AC filters can tackle all these allergens and ensure you keep breathing fresh air.

8. Clean and Repair Your Gutters

Gutters can be severely damaged and weathered from the winter months. Icicle formations, water runoff from rain, and debris from heavy winds can all clog your gutters which can lead to a variety of home issues. From damaged roofs to basement flooding, damaged foundations, and ice dams, these can all be prevented with the help of gutter cleaning and gutter repair services.

9. Inspect your Plumbing

Plumbing can be an issue during the spring season. During the spring, some common plumbing issues include clogged pipes, root damage, leaks, and sewage backup. If you notice a strong sulfur smell or the smell of rotting eggs, low water pressure, or water backup in your kitchen or bathroom sinks, these are all signs you should get the help of plumbing contractors to repair your plumbing system. Although you can do simple plumbing yourself, such as plunging a toilet, unclogging a sink using Draino or other chemicals, it’s best to leave the heavy-duty work to plumbing professionals.

10. De-Winterize Your Sprinkler System

If you live in an area that is prone to freezing temperatures and dropping below zero, chances are you winterized your sprinkler system to get rid of any excess water that could expand and burst your pipes. If you didn’t winterize your sprinkler system, you will notice burst pipes come spring season. It’s incredibly important to get the help of professionals to repair these burst pipes and have your sprinkler system ready for the spring again!

11. Replace Windows

Windows can become damaged over time, either due to wear and tear or worse, due to inclement weather. If you notice your windows have cracks, poor sealing, and notice your energy costs are going up, replace your damaged windows with Low-E glass that can help save you money in the long term. For a huge renovation project, you can also consider getting loans to pay for major renovations if you suffered severe window or home damages during the winter.

12. Replace Doors

If your doors became damaged during the winter, it’s best to replace them right away as they can become an entryway for would-be burglars. Doors can become cracked and damaged over time, especially sliding glass doors which will need to be replaced every 10-20 years. By replacing your doors, you can give yourself peace of mind this upcoming spring that you’re doing everything possible to protect the inside of your home.

13. Fix Siding

The siding on your home acts as a repellant against the elements as well as provides more insulation into your home. Unfortunately, siding can also become damaged during inclement weather. If you notice missing siding, cracks in your siding, blisters, or mold growing in your siding, it’s best to get a siding replacement service to come in and repair them. Fortunately, modern siding can be incredibly beautiful, coming in a variety of colors as well as matte or natural wood finishes. Make sure to check with your local homeowners’ association (if you have one) when replacing the color and look of your siding. They must approve any changes to the outside of your home beforehand.

14. Initiate Garage Repairs

If the wind and weather wreaked havoc on your garage door, take this spring season to get them fixed right away. Burglars can use your garage door to gain entry into your home, or simply gain access to your vehicles. Garage doors should always close shut all the way, not make any strange noises when coming down, and should be properly insulated as well. There’s no better time than now to get the repairs to your garage doors and keep your vehicles and home safe.

15. Replace Flooring

Wood flooring tends to bend and become mishappen during the cold winter months and hot summer months. During the spring, why not make the change to vinyl flooring? Vinyl floors can look just as beautiful as traditional wood floors, without the added creaking and noises or warping from climate change. If you want to stick with your wood floors, make sure to properly maintain them and add sealant and wood protection. This is especially true in wet areas of the home such as entryways.

16. Do Some Simple Cleaning

Who says spring home maintenance has to just focus on the exterior of your home? Nothing beats bringing in the spring season than doing some simple tidying up around the home. Spring cleaning is a great way to prepare your home for the upcoming warm months, as well as get rid of any dust build-up that can worsen allergies during the spring season. Get out your duster and make sure to dust any shelves, vents, ceiling fans, and hard-to-reach areas.

17. Paint Your Exterior

Speaking of exteriors, a touch-up of paint on your home can be a great way to spruce up your house after the winter season. If you’re painting your home an entirely different color, you should again consult with your local HOA. However, you can do simply touch-ups to existing exterior paints, or get the help of stucco remodeling services to fix existing stucco exteriors and add a layer of protection to your home.

18. Fix Cracks In Your Driveway

During the winter, water can cause some serious cracks, potholes, and damage to driveways. Don’t let this damage stop you from having your children play in the driveway, or cause damage to your vehicles. With asphalt repaving, you can fix your driveway and make sure it is smooth and safe for your children to play on and your car to drive through. Another sign you might have to fix your driveway includes uneven edges, crumbling edges, or faded coloring. If you notice these signs during the winter or any other months, contact an asphalt repaving or driveway repair service as soon as possible.

19. Maintain Your Garden

After the winter, many of the plants in your garden might not be in the best shape of their life. Fortunately, the spring season is the best time for flowers to bloom, vegetables and herbs to grow, and for you to replant some of your favorite flowers! Take this spring season to plant some new herbs, fruit or vegetables, and any new flowers that can grow year-round. Flowers that are able to be maintained and provide colorful blooms year-round include pansy, snapdragon, cyclamen, and flowering kale. If you’re unsure of which are the best flowers or plants to put in your garden during the winter and spring months, contact your local garden center or visit your local greenery.

20. Contact Pest Control

The spring signals to insects and also animals to come out in full swing. It’s best to get the help of pest control services to get rid of any pests that can emerge during the winter and spring months. Some of the most common pests during the spring include houseflies, fleas, rats and mice, bees, wasps, and carpenter ants. Although these pests might have been in hiding during the winter, you might notice them invade your home during the spring. Call a pest control service right away to make sure they don’t damage your home or your garden.

Welcome the Spring

With these simple home maintenance tips, you can make sure you’ll be ready for the spring and that your home will continue to stay comfortable for you and your family! From roof replacement to maintaining HVAC systems and your garden, there are lots of things to do to be ready for the spring.

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