This video discusses custom countertop options and some of the choices consumers can make if they want to get a different feel for their countertops.
One method is called a dirty pour, where the artist uses dirty epoxy to create a custom look. There is no hard limit to what an individual can do with the dirty pour option.
The individual can use a number of color mixtures to create a unique countertop that no one else in the world will have. There are a few helpful rules to keep in mind to ensure that the project comes out as gorgeous as the person desires it to be.
Drawing a line directly in the middle of the table to establish the pattern’s direction is a good idea. It keeps the overall flow fresh in the person’s mind as he or she does the work. The beginning of the flow should be lined up as closely as possible to the edge of the countertop. Another tip is to pour the epoxy as quickly as possible. Once the colors are mixed, it’s wise not to let them sit for too long. The lining and pouring processes need to start within minutes of mixing the product.
Doing your own custom dirty epoxy countertops can be a simple process if you follow along with the video. Following these steps can help you achieve the countertops of your dreams!