The Process of Replacing the Kitchen Counter

When it comes to replacing kitchen counter, there are a few things that you should know. The process itself isn’t very complicated, however, each step is important and cannot be skipped. In this article, we are going to look at laminate countertops and how to replace them.

The first part of the process is to measure out the countertop. You need to know exactly how long the new countertop needs to be.

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Once you get the proper measurements you can cut your countertop to the size. You want to do this ahead of time so that you don’t have to do any more cuts when you put the counter in place.

When working on corners you want to make sure that you are extremely precise in your measurements and cuts. If your numbers are a little off you then the area where the two countertops meet will look sloppy.

Once you have your counter in place it is time to add the sink. An easy way to put the sink in would be to measure out and place tape in the area where the sink will be. If you put down tape, the process of cutting and drilling will be much easier.


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