Essential Plumber Tools

Many people talk about the tools of the trade when they discuss their professions, but for plumbers, those tools often aren’t optional but essential. It is also those tools of the trade that are essential for any plumber that the attached video showcases. In many types of trades, there are more than a few ways to do the same job.

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For example, you can choose to use a screw for that board or a nail, and you even have the option of power tools. For a plumber, however, those types of options are rarely feasible. In fact, the difference between having the right tool and not having the right tool could result in hours to do a ten-minute job or even making a job impossible to complete.

Here are the top tools of the trade and the tools that plumbers would consider essential:
1. Pliers. Not just a set of pliers, but many sets and sizes are used by residential and commercial plumbers. Having a range of sizes will save time, effort, and equip you for any size job – literally.
2. Supplies. Yes, plumbers need tapes, adhesives, and many types of supplies to do the job. This is not only another essential need for plumbers, but something they should have on hand too.
3. Adjustable wrenches. See number one.

These are the essential items, but only a few of the many tools a plumber will use for any given job. Happy plumbing.

tools of the trade

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