You have just closed on your first house. You are probably focused on moving, decorating, and last minute housing details. You probably had an inspection on the house before closing on it. However, an inspection is generally not all inclusive and it is usually a good idea to have additional parts of the house inspected. The house?s plumbing is just one of these important inspection areas. Scheduling a plumbing service inspection could save you from an expensive and damaging plumbing emergency later on. These are some of the most important things to look for in a plumbing service inspection.
The location and status of your septic system
Your house may or may not be on a septic water system. Either way, it is important to find out. Septic systems need to be large enough to handle the household?s waste needs and this need can change with new ownership. Additionally, the septic tank needs to be regularly emptied. Without a plumbing service inspection, you cannot gauge an accurate timeline for this service. Prevent a backup by having your septic tank inspected immediately.
Knowledge of your current plumbing system
A large percentage of households today still have outdated plumbing systems. This means that they were installed with materials that are no longer used. The biggest risk is copper or lead piping that eventually rusts out. This can lead to a water leak or frozen pipes, causing a very expensive and damaging problem with the plumbing system. It is a good idea to understand your plumbing system early on. If your plumbing is outdated, you can begin saving to have it replaced. If you are able to inspect the plumbing before closing on the house, you might even be able to include the cost of replacement in your offer.
Correction of minor leaks and clogs
Most households experience a minor leak or clog at some time. While these problems alone can be corrected by the homeowner with products purchased at the local home improvement store, they should still be inspected by a professional. A clogged drain could indicate a clog further down the line. Drain cleaning could remove the clog at the sink or toilet level, but does not correct it down the plumbing line. Professional drain cleaning is always a good idea upon moving into a new house.
Additionally, correcting minor clogs and leaks can save the homeowner on utilities. The average household?s leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, or the amount needed to wash 270 loads of laundry. Fixing these easily corrected household leaks can save homeowners about 10% on their water bills. However, to get the full utility savings, it is important to have a professional plumbing service inspection.
Information about your water heater
A water heater is one of the most important appliances in the household. Without the water heater, you cannot take a hot shower, wash your clothing in hot water, or have hot water running from the faucet. Most houses for sale come with a water heater, but there is no guarantee that it is in good working condition or that it is a newer water heater. Scheduling a plumbing service inspection ensures that you have important information about your water heater. When it comes time to install a water heater, your plumber can recommend the best water heaters on the market today.
Plumbing is a part of modern history today. It originally originated during ancient civilizations such as the Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, and Chinese cities as they developed public baths and needed to provide portable water and drainage of wastes, for larger numbers of people. Today, it is a valued part of households. When you move into a new house, it can be especially useful to schedule a plumbing inspection. Getting a clear picture of your home?s plumbing system allows you to get the most out of it, while also cutting down on your home?s water utilities.