Top Questions to Ask Deck Contractors

In the attached video, we see a primary example of not only what can happen with less-than-quality construction work but also why it’s important to work with deck contractors you can rely on to do the job right. The good news is, there are some questions and things to look for that can help you narrow down your options, and ideally, separate those you can depend on from those who may be less reliable. Here are a few of the top questions you should ask to help you find the right company for your new deck.

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Do they have credentials? From a business license and established company address to verifiable references, advertisements, and more, there are more than a few ways to verify the credentials to confirm that you are talking to a reputable company. How long has the company been in business? In other words, is this their first deck building job or do they build decks all the time? While you may consider working with a contractor who doesn’t have ten years of experience, you should never consider working with any contractor who doesn’t have insurance. If your contractor checks all three boxes, then you should be on the right track, and hopefully soon, on the deck of your dreams too.

Do they have credentials?

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