When thinking about selling your home, you will most likely consider remodeling it to get a better price and to deal with any outstanding improvements that have probably been pending for a while. Researching and planning ahead before you get into the project helps you save time and money and also plan your resources with good precision. A typical remodel schedule is a simple tool that guides your plans and helps you envision exactly what you are looking to create. It also aids in approximating the timelines expected for each phase and the corresponding tasks, that it takes for the house to be ready to be put on sale. This article shares some of the stages to consider when coming up with a typical remodeling schedule that would suit your needs.
Before you kick off your remodeling project, take some time to do some research about what it takes to be successful in this project. You can find articles on the internet that cover what you want to embark on, and you can also talk to friends and relatives who have undertaken such a project. The information that you gather from your research will allow you to gain recommendations of trusted companies you can work with, and you will be able to make smarter decisions than those who went before you.
Planning and Organizing
This stage sets off the timeline of events to be considered in the typical remodel schedule. In this phase, you are able to project what needs to be done and when and to provide timelines for each activity. You may be looking to incorporate major changes to your home, such as changing entry doors, improving your drain plumbing, or even completely changing your flooring. You may also just be interested in minor changes and, in this phase, you can determine the path that works for you.
This phase also allows you to plan and estimate the project budget and what it will cost you. You can get quotes from different contractors at this stage, as this will allow you to determine how much you will need for the project and how you can fund it.
The planning and organizing phase allows you to consider things such as building permits which are important to have before you begin. You will also need to factor in the time it will take between applying and receiving them. One last factor to consider in this phase is how to deal with your family in terms of accommodation as the remodeling happens and their safety around the construction site, especially for children and pets.
The design phase allows you to visualize exactly how you would like your remodel to look at completion. You will design a new layout or redesign the existing one into what works, based on what you have settled for in the planning phase or what your budget allows. The design phase of a typical remodel schedule allows you to blueprint solutions that work in conjunction with the time at which you would like the project to be completed, to make way for the house to be put on the market for sale.
Structural Expert Analysis
An expert analysis of your property to ascertain whether the structure is sound enough for alterations should be programmed into a typical remodel schedule. This is because this analysis will detect weak links in the structure of your property that could be dangerous if ignored. Remodeling of your home may include demolitions, which need a strong framework as they are intense on the structure.
An analysis would also expose issues such as mold and pests that would be hidden in the structure of your home. Such a revelation would allow you to contact a mold remediation company and pest control services to rectify the situation before any construction begins.
This spotlights the amount of money you will require to fix the issue, whereby you can decide to fix it yourself or sell it to someone who can. This analysis will therefore be very beneficial to your project and planning and will inform you about many of the phases in a typical remodel schedule.
Demolition Phase
This phase, which is usually supervised by your contractor, is part of a typical remodel schedule that knocks down the old fixtures you want to do away with to make way for the new. This includes knocking down walls to create new spaces, doing away with old fixtures to make way for modern ones, and generally tearing down any unwanted units that could do with a refresh. This phase is safer when the contractor knows exactly what they are working with structurally, as it will guide him toward what can be demolished and what can be remodeled without being torn down. The structural analysis thereby informs their decision-making in this phase.
Demolition is generally the shortest phase of the typical remodel schedule because at this point the contractor is simply tearing down what they need to remove. It is advisable to plan for waste management in advance to manage the trash that will come from the demolition, which is bound to be quite large in size. Clearing it up as the work continues also keeps accidents at bay at the site.
Plumbing and Electrical Remodeling
A typical remodel schedule has to consider the changes that will occur within the plumbing and electrical components of your home. It is advisable to provide the plumbing and electrical architecture of your home beforehand to your contractor, as he gains an understanding of what he is working with and how to go about demolition without destroying the system.
This will also enable them to buy the right products for your electrical and plumbing fixtures that are suitable for the unit code and that are also of aesthetic value once the house is complete.
In the event that the plumbing work needs a specialist, you can consider engaging a plumbing company, to look at the issues more extensively and offer solutions that would satisfy what you would like to achieve. They would be able to offer expert advice on your existing system and intended changes, offer safety guidelines, and point you to the proper tools and plumbing supplies that you need for the project.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) Remodeling
HVAC systems are also part of a typical remodel schedule in homes. These systems make you comfortable in your home regardless of the climate and can also contribute to increasing the value of your home. It is advisable to get the expertise of an HV AC contractor or an ac contractor regarding existing systems and those that need to be upgraded.
The HVAC contractor ensures that the existing system or the one to be installed is the correct size and that the ducts and equipment have been precisely placed to satisfy the heating, ventilation, and cooling needs of your home. This HVAC professional is also trained to provide AC service to clear out the filter of dirt, dust, and soot that clogs the system. This cleaning also ensures that the system does not overheat and eventually causes damage to your AC.
The HVAC contractor also ensures quality standards are observed in the HVAC system and can also advise on resources that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and cost-saving. This contractor will also advise whether you need to upgrade or retain the system that is available.
Drywall and Insulation
Insulation systems in your home will ensure that heat, sound, and electricity can be transmitted safely and are part of a typical remodel schedule. Your contractor will be able to advise on whether they will need to completely do away with the older insulation system to install a new one. In the case of a faulty insulation system, a new one will have to be installed. The experts will conduct their analysis to determine what would be best in your situation.
Once this is installed, the drywall will then be put up – this process is relatively easy and this phase should be done quite fast. This also sets the stage for painting and installation of fixtures such as cupboards, cabinets, and closets as well as any other fixtures you may desire to have installed.
The painting phase is an exciting one because your home will begin to have interior design touches as part of the typical remodel schedule. You get to select the colors you would like to see on your walls and incorporate new designs to create a beautiful new space. When the painting of the walls commences, the contractor needs to ensure that all furniture, flooring, and fixtures are covered so that they do not get paint on them. Leaving them exposed can cause ruin to surfaces and flooring, which would then be an extra cost to fix. It is also advisable that the paintwork is conducted before new flooring or carpets are installed. This is because in most cases, the painter will use a paint sprayer that can get paint drops in places they should not be.
Ensure that the paint buckets are saved after the paint has been used up. These can be repurposed in many ways at the remodel site, such as waste collectors, storage for construction materials, or even seating stools when turned upside down!
After the paintwork is done on the walls, your home is ready for the fixtures to be installed. These include kitchen cabinets, countertops, lighting fixtures such as chandeliers and switches, doors, windows, fireplaces, bathtubs, and any other fixtures that you may want to include in this remodel project.
At this stage, your home is now coming together from being a construction site to a beautiful space. As the paint on the wall is now dry, you can also opt for wallpaper that would give your walls an element of color blocking.
The flooring phase of the typical remodel schedule should take place at the end of the project when paintwork and installations have been completed. It would be more appropriate to install fixtures such as doors and windows before the flooring and carpeting, to avoid folds and the ill-fitting of the carpets and new floors.
You can then install any carpeting, tiling, or any other type of laminate flooring that you desire. Your contractor would be able to advise on the best flooring for you to install and also source for flooring supplies to complete this phase.
Clean-Up and Waste Management
It is imperative to clean up at the work site in a typical remodel schedule. There will be tonnes of waste and construction debris both on the inside and the outside of the home. The interior of the home can benefit from vacuuming the carpets or cleaning the floors to remove the remaining litter. The outside of the home can be swept to ensure that no trash goes flying into neighboring compounds and that the environment is left clean.
A typical remodel schedule will help you plan around the changes you would like to make in your home as you prepare to sell it. It empowers you to envision what you would like to see as your final product and aids your contractor in getting an idea of what you need.
The work of your realtors can be made that much easier when the house is in impressive shape and has additional fixtures that are appealing and relevant to what the buyer is looking for. They are able to secure a deal faster, your home won’t stay on the market for long, and you get a good price! So, when planning for your remodeling project when selling a home, consider using this article for ideas of what to include in a typical remodel schedule.