How Septic Companies Service Different System Types

Septic companies play a crucial role in maintaining various types of septic systems, ensuring they function efficiently and safely. Here’s how they service different system types:

Conventional Gravity Systems

Conventional gravity systems are the most basic type. Septic companies begin by inspecting the septic tank, drain field, and soil beneath the field.

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They clean and maintain the inlet and outlet baffles and recommend installing baffle filters to prevent solids from entering the drain field. Regular inspections and cleanings are crucial to prevent buildup and ensure optimal performance.

Pressurized Systems

In pressurized systems, wastewater is pumped to specific areas of the property. Septic companies service these systems by checking the septic and pump tanks, inspecting the floats that control the pump, and ensuring the system distributes wastewater evenly across the drain field. They also handle electrical components and address any issues related to the pump and its operation.

Alternative Systems

Alternative systems, such as mound and sand filter systems, are used in areas with limited native soil. Septic companies maintain these systems by ensuring the additional sand or engineered materials are in good condition and functioning correctly. They check for proper wastewater percolation through the sand and gravel layers and ensure the system meets environmental standards.

Proprietary Systems

Proprietary systems like aerobic treatment units (ATUs) and biofilters require specialized maintenance. Septic companies perform regular inspections, as mandated by manufacturers, to ensure these systems operate effectively. They maintain the aeration devices and handle disinfection processes, such as chlorine or UV treatment, to ensure the wastewater is treated before entering the drain field.

By providing tailored services for each system type, septic companies help protect the environment and ensure the longevity and efficiency of septic systems. Regular maintenance and inspections by professionals are essential to keep these systems running smoothly.


Septic companies help protect the environment

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